been said, as a joke, that men understand only three emotions: lust, rage,
and triumph. Being a man, and having known myself quite well before I began
to study psychology, I would say that the joke is not far from the truth.
Anyway, for those persons who have difficulty identifying their feelings,
here is a list of emotions categorized by the most well-known
Afraid: |
abandoned, agitated,
alarmed, anxious, apprehensive, bothered, cautious, concerned, desperate,
distraught, disturbed, edgy, fearful, frightened, hesitant, horrified,
hysterical, jumpy, nervous, panicked, perturbed, petrified, scared, shocked,
threatened, terrified, timid, uneasy, unnerved, worried |
Confident: |
amazed, ambitious, bright, brave, buoyant, calm, certain, cheerful, converted,
convinced, courageous, definite, determined, empowered, encouraged, enthusiastic,
exhilarated, helpful, hopeful, independent, loyal, optimistic, persuaded,
positive, proud, respectful, sanguine, secure, sure, strong, triumphant,
trusting, upbeat |
Doubtful: |
bewildered, bored, capricious, cautious, changeable, confused, cynical,
despairing, disbelieving, distant, distrustful, dithering, dubious, hesitant,
erratic, evasive, fickle, impulsive, inconsistent, indecisive, indifferent,
insecure, irresolute, powerless, preoccupied, puzzled, shy, skeptical,
suspicious, timid, torn, uncertain, unconvinced, undetermined, uninformed,
unpredictable, unreliable, unsure, vascillating, variable, volatile, wavering,
weak |
Happy: |
blissful, calm,
carefree, cheerful, comfortable, complacent, contented, delighted, ecstatic,
elated, enthusiastic, exalted, excited, exultant, fantastic, festive, glad,
grateful, inspired, joyful, joyous, jubilant, lighthearted, optimistic, peaceful,
playful, pleased, pleasant, relaxed, relieved, satisfied, serene, tranquil,
thrilled |
Hurt: |
abandoned, broken,
crushed, damaged, disappointed, disillusioned, disregarded, harmed, heartbroken,
helpless, impaired, injured, marred, messed up, misunderstood, offended,
rejected, shocked, spoiled, tarnished, unnoticed, unwanted,
wounded |
Interested: |
absorbed, amazed,
ambitious, attracted, awed, captivated, concerned, curious, eager, earnest,
enchanted, engaged, engrossed, enraptured, enthralled, enthusiastic, excited,
fascinated, gripped, held, immersed, involved, inquisitive, intent, intrigued,
mesmerized, obsessed, pitying, preoccupied, rapt, spellbound, sympathetic,
wrapped up |
Irritated: |
aggravated, annoyed,
bothered, cross, displeased, distressed, exasperated, frustrated, goaded,
grumpy, impatient, offended, overwrought, peeved, provoked, shaky, strained,
tense, troubled, uncomfortable, upset, vexed |
Loving: |
accepting, admiring,
adoring, affectionate, amorous, awed, caring, close, compassionate, considerate,
delicate, devoted, doting, fond, friendly, humble, kind, open, passionate,
pitying, sharing, tender, understanding, warm |
Sad: |
bleak, cheerless,
defeated, depressed, despairing, disappointed, discouraged, disheartened,
dismal, dour, dreary, dull, gloomy, grieving, grim, heartbroken, helpless,
hopeless, lonely, low, melancholic, miserable, moody, murky, ominous,
pessimistic, poignant, regretful, remorseful, somber, sorrowful, sulky,
uninviting |
Shamed: |
affronted, ashamed,
besmirched, corrupted, disgraced, debased, degraded, defiled, desecrated,
despoiled, dirtied, dishonored, embarrassed, fouled, helpless, humiliated,
mortified, offended, regretful, remorseful, ruined, shown up, soiled, spoiled,
stupid, sullied, tainted, tarnished, ugly, violated |
Anger and
(Fourth Edition)
Shows how to turn the emotional wounds
of daily life into psychological growth. Available as a paperback book or
as an e-book.
information |
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Related pages within A Guide to Psychology and
its Practice:
Family Therapy
Questions and Answers
about Psychotherapy
Reasons to Consult
a Psychologist
Trauma and PTSD
INDEX of all subjects
on this website
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Raymond Lloyd Richmond,
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doesnt mean to have your pain taken away. It really means
to be urged on to take up the cup of your destiny, with courage and
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