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Other Applications
of Psychology


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Page Contents: Introduction / Aviation Psychology / Forensic Psychology / Psychological Testing / Research


IN ADDITION to clinical applications, other applications of psychology with which I have experience are in the areas of aviation psychology, forensic psychology, psychological testing, and research. Be advised that I am giving examples of ways that a clinical psychologist such as myself in private practice might be of service as a consultant. For information about many other fields of psychology, see below under Additional Resources.


Aviation Psychology

The use of psychology in the field of aviation should be first set in context. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has strict regulations about the health of pilots. These regulations are so strict that a pilot could break the law just by flying after taking an over-the-counter cold remedy. Aspects of mental health are controlled just as tightly. Consequently, most pilots want nothing to do with psychologists.

Actually, this fear is an exaggeration of the facts. Aviation psychologists perform many duties that have nothing to do with whether or not a pilot is “crazy.” Below are some things a psychologist can help with:

Overcoming airsickness

Fear of flying in general

A pilot’s loss of a desire to fly, or a fear of flying after an accident

Managing anxiety during flight training

Cockpit Resource Management

Air Traffic Control stress and burn-out

Debriefing of crew and rescue personnel after an incident or accident

Scientific journals in aviation:

Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine

This the official journal of the Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA). AsMA was originally formed because of early aviation’s need for physicians with expertise in the flight environment. The journal publishes scientific reports about the health and safety not just of aviators but also of those who venture into many other challenging environments of today’s world, such as outer space, under the oceans, and underground.

This journal, published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, reflects the work of the Biennial International Symposium on Aviation Psychology to develop and manage safe and effective aviation systems for human operators. Four academic disciplines contribute to this work: engineering and computer science, psychology, physiology, and education. For information about the journal, contact the publisher.


Forensic Psychology

The word forensic derives from the Latin forensis, a public place, so forensic psychology is psychology characteristic of, or suitable for, a law court or public debate. One aspect of forensic psychology, criminal psychology, is specifically concerned with the psychology of criminal behavior.

Forensic applications of psychology, therefore, refer to its use within the legal system to

Profile criminals

Provide expert testimony

Evaluate the mental health of persons charged with a crime to determine their legal competence or incompetence to stand trial

Provide debriefing to law enforcement and rescue personnel

Investigate the possibility of malingering in court cases seeking damages


Psychological Testing

Some psychologists specialize in psychological testing, some use testing only occasionally, and some never use it. I occasionally perform testing, usually in regard to the assessment of the psychological effects of trauma. For more information about testing in general, click here to go to my page on the subject.



The science of psychology is grounded in research. A psychologist with a Ph.D. can

Conduct original scientific research

Provide consultation on methodology for research projects

Serve on dissertation committees

Provide editorial assistance; i.e., provide grammatical and stylistic proofing and assistance with the expression of ideas for dissertations, scientific papers, and general writing.

If you are a student working on a literature review in psychology, you could begin with an Internet search. Be advised, however, that material on the Internet is not necessarily scientific, nor is it necessarily subject to peer-reviewed scientific scrutiny.

You have two choices to locate published peer-reviewed psychological research in English.

To locate medical research articles (and some psychology articles), you can use Medline online. Medline will allow you to search for articles using keyword searches. The search results will give you a list of articles that match your search terms; some of the articles will also have their abstracts (a short summary of the article’s procedures and conclusions) available.

To locate psychology research articles, you can use PsycINFO, a database provided by the American Psychological Association (APA). But the APA does not allow free access to PsycINFO; you must either pay a registration fee to the APA (through its website at www.apa.org) or go to a university library and ask the research librarian to do a literature search for you—for a fee, of course.

But to read (without a fee) any of the articles that you have located with Medline or PsycINFO, you will have to go into a university library and find the journals in which the articles were published—that is, if the library subscribes to the journals you want. (Libraries usually have some sort of computer or microfilm system to allow you to find the journals they do have.) Some articles are available online, for a fee, through Medline, PsycINFO, or through the website of the journal. You can also buy reprints of articles from the journals; some libraries will order the reprints for you. All in all, getting copies of published research articles can be time-consuming and expensive because the major journals cannot afford to allow free online access to articles.


Here is how to cite pages from this website in a research paper:


Author. (Copyright date). Webpage title. Retrieved [date] from, [webpage address]


Richmond, R. L. (1997–2017). Other applications of psychology. Retrieved July 4, 2017 from, http://www.guidetopsychology.com/othapp.htm



Author. Webpage title. [Date retrieved as DD MMM YYYY]. [Webpage address].


Richmond, RL. Other applications of psychology. 1 Jan 2017. http://www.guidetopsychology.com/othapp.htm.



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Additional Resources

Aviation Medicine:
Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA)
Aerospace Human Factors Association  is a constituant organization of the Aerospace Medical Association; it reflects the notion that human factors “is an umbrella for a plethora of engineering, aeromedical, physiological, and psychological approaches to the human-machine interaction.”
Aviation & Aerospace Medicine  provides a wealth of information about the topic as well as links to many related sites.
Biological Psychology:
Psychology Jumping Stand: Biological Psychology
Child Psychology:
History of child psychology, testing, psychiatry etc.  provides an overview of the history of child psychology through many articles by and about the most famous child psychologists.
Psyche Matters: Infant and Child Psychology and Psychoanalysis Resources  provides information about infant & child therapy and analysis.
Cognitive and Experimental Psychology:
Experimental Psychology Society
Community Psychology:
Knowledge Exchange Network (KEN)  from the Center for Mental Health Services.
Consumer Psychology:
(This debased application of psychology really amounts to nothing more than using subtle deception to convince others that the fulfillment of your desires is essential to their life and well-being.)
Developmental Psychology:
European Society for Developmental Psychology WWW server
Developmental Psychology Links by Subtopic  from Social Psychology Network
Forensic/Criminal Psychology:
American College of Forensic Examiners (ACFE)  The ACFE is a multi-disciplinary organization whose purpose is to advance the profession of forensic examination and consultation across the many professional fields represented.
Educational Opportunities in Police and Criminal Psychology
Forensic Psychology Index Page
Health Psychology:
Health Psychology on the Net
Health Psychology and Rehabilitation: Promoting Mental and Physical Health
Industrial-Organizational Psychology:
The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)
Industrial-Organizational Psychology Links by Subtopic  from Social Psychology Network
Neuropsychology Central
Psychology in general:
Athabasca University Psychology Resources
Divisions of the American Psychological Association  lists the various divisions of the APA and will give you an idea of the many varied applications of psychology.
OMNI: Psychology
PsycSite: Science of Psychology Resources Site
Psych Web
SOSIG: Psychology
Web Site Resources  from Harcourt College Publishers in conjunction with their textbook on psychology.
Psychological Testing:
Ericae.net - Test Locator   can help you locate tests for clinical use or research.
Mental Health   from Serendip provides numerous links to resources for information on psychological assessment.
The Web Psychological Club  has several online psychological tests available for your entertainment. You won’t find copies of any of the standard professional tests online, however, for two reasons: (a) because the tests are copyrighted, and (b) because the security of the tests must be maintained.
Medline  is a database of scientific medical journal articles.
School Psychology:
National Association of School Psychologists
School Psychology Resources Online
The WWW School Psychology Homepage
Social Psychology:
Social Psychology Network
Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)
Related pages within A Guide to Psychology and its Practice:
Aviation Links
Basic Principles of Aircraft Flight  explains basic aerodynamics in relation to commercial flight.
Family Therapy
Fear of Flying  explains the various factors related to fear of flying.
Fear of Flying Treatment  explains the various treatment options for fear of flying.
How to Become a Psychologist
Psychological Testing
Questions and Answers about Psychotherapy
Types of Psychological Treatment
INDEX of all subjects on this website
SEARCH this website


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Gratitude is joy to the heart.


Raymond Lloyd Richmond, Ph.D.
San Francisco
Contact Me

Psychology is a complex subject, and many issues are interrelated. And so, even though you may find a topic of interest on one particular page, an exploration of the other pages will deepen your understanding of the human mind and heart.

Psychological Practice
To Become a Psychologist
Choosing a Psychologist
Consumer Rights and Office Policies
Honesty in Psychological Treatment
Legal Issues
The Limits of Psychology
Managed Care and Insurance
Other Applications of Psychology
Psychology: Clinical and Counseling
Psychology and Psychiatry
Questions and Answers about

Termination of Psychotherapy
Types of Psychological Treatment
Clinical Issues
Becoming a Nonsmoker
Depression and Suicide
Diagnosis in Clinical Psychology
Dream Interpretation
Fear of Flying: Information
Hypnosis and “Negative” Hypnosis
Medical Factors Affecting Psychology
Medication Issues
Psychological Testing
Questions and Answers about

Reasons to Consult a Psychologist
Repressed Memories
The Psychology of “Stress”
Trauma and PTSD
Types of Psychological Treatment
The Unconscious
Social Issues
Adolescent Violence
Family Therapy
The Psychology of Terrorism
Sexuality and Love
Spirituality and Psychology
Spiritual Healing
Personality and Identity
Death—and the Seduction of Despair
Identity and Loneliness
Sexuality and Love
Trauma—and PTSD
Stress Management
Autogenics Training
Hypnosis and “Negative” Hypnosis
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
The Psychology of “Stress”
Systematic Desensitization
Fear of Flying
Aviation Links
Basic Principles of Aircraft Flight
Fear of Flying: Information
Fear of Flying: Treatment
Hypnosis and “Negative” Hypnosis
Systematic Desensitization
Autogenics Training
Becoming a Nonsmoker
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
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Systematic Desensitization
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A Guide to Psychology and its Practice



Copyright © 1997-2021 Raymond Lloyd Richmond, Ph.D. All rights reserved.
San Francisco


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