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About Me
Gratitude is
joy to the heart!
WEBSITE is dedicated to healing. Through this work I have
made my knowledge and experience available to all, and for the sake of truth
I do not accept monetary support from sponsors or advertising.
if this website has helped you in your personal psychological growth, it is
fitting that you make an offering of gratitude for what you have
received here.
offering is a gift of understandingand a down-payment on the success
of your hopes.
Please note that
donations made to me through this website are not tax-deductible because
I am not a tax-exempt organization. Payments for services, however, may qualify
as medical expenses. If you are unsure, consult an accountant.
In respect for
your privacy, I will not contact you
through the e-mail address you use with PayPal or Square, but if you send comments
through the Communications page, I will acknowledge your
donation through the e-mail address you use in sending your comments.
Furthermore, I will not sell your contact information to a mailing list, nor will I
use your contact information to ask you for additional donations in the future; it offends
me when companies do those things to me, so I refuse to disrespect the privacy of those
who contact me.
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With PayPal
you can securely use any credit card or debit card. |
Click on the
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Gratitude For This Website
with a credit card or debit card (no PayPal account needed) or with a
personal PayPal account.
Please be advised
that unless you receive a receipt from PayPal your transaction has not been
completed; in which case, please try again. |
can automatically convert any currency to US dollars. |
Ways to Make an Offering
I am just one man with no office staff. I have done everything
on this websitethe writing, the design, and the programmingwithout a
sponsor. No one pays me for the thousands and tens of thousands of dollars
of labor I have put, and continue to put, into this website.
In all
of this, I refuse to obscure the truth with greed and advertising.
My motive
is healing, and everything on this website has been made available to all
in the hope that integrity might flourish. |
Mailing Address
Raymond Lloyd Richmond, Ph.D.
1592 Union Street # 83
San Francisco, CA 94123